Lift & Shift Foundation

Mental Health Awareness

Explore Programs for PTSD Support, Stress Relief, and Community Engagement

Empower yourself with resources that go beyond stress management. At Lift and Shift Foundation, we're dedicated to promoting mental health awareness. Whether you seek PTSD support for veterans or stress-relieving hobbies, our programs are designed to enhance your overall well-being. Join us in advocating for inclusion in science and tech while actively participating in mental health awareness campaigns.

Veteran Programs For PTSD

Our programs aren't for everyone. So we've adopted the old adage "it takes a village" here. Find a program from another non-profit that works for you.

Yoga on a beach
Quote About RX Coupons and out Sponsor Clever Rx

Sponsor Support For You

Experts say Veterans with VA health benefits should consider Medicare and other options. So we found a sponsor who can help.

Stand For Science

There's a lot of science skeptics out there. We know first hand. So here's some help navigating tough topics.

Battle Of The Bots banner

Enhance Well Being with our Public Service Resources

Empower yourself with a diverse range of public service resources crafted alongside our formal programs at the Lift and Shift Foundation. Explore beyond stress management, discover mental health awareness, and find resources designed to enhance your overall well-being.

From stress-relieving hobbies to PTSD support for veterans, our curated programs are tailored to make a positive impact on your life. Join us in advocating for inclusion in science and tech while actively participating in mental health awareness campaigns and exploring the richness of our public service offerings.

Explore, engage, and empower. Discover the difference at Lift and Shift Foundation.