Lift & Shift Foundation

Understanding as a Path to Healing

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Stress, Anxiety, And PTSD

What Is PTSD?

For decades, we've known that mental health is as important as physical health, and there are often common connections found between the two. After experiencing a traumatic event, such as a car accident, an assault, or combat, our bodies all have reactions. PTSD is a mental and emotional health disorder that often results from exposure to a traumatic event involving death, threats of death, or serious injury. It's a condition that can affect anyone who has experienced trauma.

If you're looking for information about stress, anxiety, and PTSD, you don't need to be a veteran. While veterans have experience with stress and anxiety, it's important to note that PTSD is not exclusive to this group. According to the National Center For PTSD, about 8 million adults go through PTSD during a given year.

8 million adults have PTSD in a given year

If you need help now, call 988.

PTSD & Jobs: Which Careers Are Most Vulnerable?

Research has shown that people who work in high stress jobs, like the military, first responders (e.g. police officers, firefighters), & healthcare workers, may be at an increased risk for developing PTSD. These jobs often involve exposure to traumatic events or situations that can trigger the development of PTSD. Everybody can experience a traumatic event.

However, it is important to note that not everyone who works in a high stress job will develop PTSD. Other factors, such as an individual's coping mechanisms and support system, can also play a role in the development of the condition.

But, if you're not in a career with a higher risk of PTSD, your traumas aren't less important.

Potential Signs Of PTSD

If you or someone you know has experienced a traumatic event, it's important to be aware of the signs of PTSD, which may include re-experiencing the traumatic event, avoiding reminders of the event, and negative changes in thoughts and feelings. Depression, anxiety symptoms, and feelings of stress are also common in people with PTSD. Many symptoms overlap, but they can all be warning signs.

It's important to seek help from a mental health professional for any signs of depression or anxiety. With treatment, it is possible to manage stress & anxiety symptoms to improve overall well-being.


  1. Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or worthlessness
  2. Loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy
  3. Changes in sleep and appetite
  4. Fatigue or loss of energy
  5. Difficulty concentrating or making decisions


  1. Excessive worry or fear
  2. Difficulty sleeping
  3. Physical symptoms such as racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, or trembling
  4. Difficulty concentrating
  5. Avoiding situations or activities that trigger anxiety


  1. Constant feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope
  2. Difficulty sleeping
  3. Irritability or anger
  4. Changes in appetite
  5. Difficulty concentrating

Why Does PTSD Happen?

When a person experiences a traumatic event, their body's natural stress response is activated, which can include physical and emotional symptoms like increased heart rate and difficulty sleeping. This stress response is a normal and necessary reaction to a dangerous situation, but it's meant to be temporary.

For some people, the stress response doesn't go away after the traumatic event is over. This can lead to the development of PTSD, as the body continues to experience stress and anxiety even when there's no longer any immediate danger. To manage the trauma response, it's important to find ways to manage stress and anxiety, with effective stress management techniques and stress relief activities. This can help to reduce the risk of developing PTSD and improve overall well-being.

Risk Factors For Developing PTSD

Biological factors
We're just beginning to understand genetic connections to stress. Some traits can be passed on from one generation to another, from the family's history of mental health.
Psychological factors
The way we respond to stress can have a big influence one the impact of a trauma. If we tend to be easily stressed and anxious the risk of presenting with PTSD can be higher.
Social factors
Depending on our environment, and the people around us, the PTSD impact can defer. When you feel alone or not listened to properly it can be more difficult to overcome trauma.

Can You Prevent PTSD?

It's always good to talk about this experience. Expressing your feelings is beneficial, specifically when you feel some anxiety appearing after an event. If you don't feel like talking to a professional right away, you can talk to your family and friends. Of course, going to see someone who knows about this situation is ideal.

Talking about it can free yourself from becoming more and more closed off to people and allowing an easier recovery. The trusting relationship is important, find someone you feel comfortable with.

Joining the topic of trust, creating a safe space at home can be very helpful, especially for people who experience panic attacks. Communicate the importance of confidentiality and trust.

Note taking and journaling can be a good alternative for introverted people, speaking about trauma can be difficult at first.

Does PTSD Ever Go Away?

The important thing to understand is that you don't have to live with your symptoms forever. Getting help can get you out of the vicious cycle. If your symptoms are older than a year, it is unlikely that PTSD symptoms will go away on their own. Getting treatment can help understand where it's coming from and help you get PTSD to stop affecting you and the people around you.

PTSD And Stress Management

When things get hard, we all need different types of support. Group activities are a great option. Find a recreational program where you can relax and have a little fun. Having the possibility to listen and learn from other experiences can be reassuring, and can free speech for yourself. To help our members create and innovate while experiencing stress, The Lift & Shift Foundation runs a virtual makerspace for our Design Team.

Battle Of The Bots - Activities Can Help With Stress And Anxiety

Join our Design Team.

A Word of Encouragement About PTSD, Anxiety, & Stress

To offer encouragement, often taking the first step is considered the biggest leap. And for many it is overwhelming and all consuming. No matter your trauma coping mechanism, and personal situation, you are not alone. There are many others out there in similar situations. No one step in the right direction is the wrong step.

Get Valuable Stress Management Strategies and Hobbies

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When you sign up for our nonprofit newsletter you'll learn more about our research and impact. You'll also receive an exclusive guide, “Stress Tips From Veterans,” full of insight on how veterans handle ptsd and everyday stressors we all face. Don't miss this opportunity to join our community of like-minded people who share a passion for recreational therapy and mental health.